The Lenhart Family

Monday, July 7, 2008


So on the way home from Wisconsin, I read this book called "Butterfly in Brazil". It was about the butterfly effect (which in essence refers to the idea that a butterfly's wings might create tiny changes in the atmosphere that may ultimately alter the path of a tornado) and how when we do small things for God, it can produce big world changing kind of results. But we have to all start out by being faithful in the small things that God has asked us to do. No one who has radically altered history intended to do so, they just wanted to be obedient and faithful in the small things that mattered most to them (Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr., Billy Graham, etc) Lots of us dream of dramatically changing the world for God, but many don't really try to do it. Instead of waiting for great things to happen, we should be asking God, 'What do I do about this idea now?'... Everything that God has put inside us must be expressed and acted on here and now—or it will never multiply and grow. The little things we do now can be transformed into big things for God. The book uses the biblical story of Nehemiah as a backdrop for his discussion of the secrets of creating lasting change, which he says is small, local and gradual. Nehemiah was a meager cup bearer long before he became a prophet who rebuilt Jerusalem. He was faithful in the small things!!! We have to stay focused, recognizing that change must be accompanied by love and that it will ultimately cost something. When everyone is faithful with what they have to do, right where they are, over long periods of time, together we make an impact large enough to change the world.

I love it when something I am reading is confirmed in other places too. Tonight we had a corporate prayer night at the church. So after deciding to be faithful in the small things (even though I am desperately in need of some down time), we went. And Kurt was talking about Nehemiah!! We positioned ourselves around the church property and prayed for protection and revival within. It was powerful night and I'm so blessed to be a part of the small things that lead to big changes!!! (PS I am so proud of all the students who poured their hearts in prayers as well, God is taking our small things like 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread and multiplying them into big things!!)

1 comment:

Rene said...

Tiffanie -- I found your blog through DWLZ (books thread in the cafe) and boy am I glad!! I love your perspective and I will definitely be adding you to my subscriptions list.